Sold Your Home? Here’s Your Moving Checklist for a Stress-Free Fresh Start!

Moving Checklist

Selling your house can be a whirlwind! Between packing boxes, showings, and mountains of paperwork, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. But before you celebrate with a victory braai, there’s one crucial step left: the big move itself. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. This handy moving checklist will guide you through everything you need to do to ensure a smooth and stress-free relocation.

So, grab a pen, a cup of rooibos tea, and let’s get started on your Moving Checklist!

  1. Secure Your New Place (If You Haven’t Already)

First things first, where are you moving to? If you haven’t already found your new dream home (congratulations!), now’s the perfect time to focus on your search. Factor in things like proximity to work, schools for the kids (if applicable), and of course, those braai-worthy outdoor spaces.

  1. Declutter and Downsize

Moving is a fantastic opportunity to declutter your life! Be ruthless – sort through your belongings and decide what sparks joy (thanks, Marie Kondo!) and what can be donated, sold, or recycled. This will not only lighten the load for your movers (or yourself, if you’re the DIY type), but it will also help you settle into your new space with a fresh start.

  1. Book Your Moving Company (or Rent a Truck!)

Depending on the size of your move and your budget, you might decide to hire professional movers or tackle the job yourself. If you’re going the DIY route, book a rental truck well in advance, especially during peak moving seasons.

Pro Tip: For Future Finance clients, remember that using the cash from your seller’s advance can help ease the financial burden of moving costs!

  1. Pack Like a Pro!

Packing is an art form. Here are some tips to save you time and frustration:

  • Label everything clearly: Don’t be that person who ends up unpacking every box to find the kettle!
  • Pack room by room: This makes unpacking at your new place much easier.
  • Pack an essentials box: Include things you’ll need on the first night and day in your new home, like toiletries, pyjamas, a change of clothes, and medications.
  1. Change of Address Party!

Let everyone know you’re on the move! Update your address with your bank, credit card companies, insurance providers, and subscription services. Don’t forget about friends and family – send out a fun moving announcement or throw a virtual “change of address” party!

  1. Forward Your Mail

Nobody wants to miss that birthday card from Aunt Shirley in the post-move chaos. Set up mail forwarding with your local post office to ensure a smooth transition.

  1. Utilities: On and Off

Don’t get caught in the dark (literally)! Contact your utility providers to schedule the disconnection of services at your old place and the connection at your new one.

  1. Tackle the Cleaning

Most contracts require you to leave your old place in a clean and tidy condition. Schedule a professional cleaning service or gather your cleaning supplies and get scrubbing!

  1. Transferring Insurance

Moving might mean changes to your insurance needs. Review your homeowner’s or renter’s insurance policy and update it as necessary for your new place.

  1. The Big Day!

Moving day has arrived! Whether you’re using professional movers or going it alone, stay organised and delegate tasks to keep things running smoothly.

Bonus Tip: Stock up on snacks and drinks for your moving crew. A happy moving team is an efficient moving team!

Congratulations! You’ve Officially Moved!

Now comes the fun part – settling into your new home and making it your own. Pat yourself on the back for a successful move, and don’t forget to relax and enjoy your fresh start!


  • How far in advance should I book movers?

It’s best to book movers at least 4-6 weeks in advance, especially during peak moving seasons.

  • What should I pack in my essentials box?

Pack anything you’ll need on the first night and day in your new home, like toiletries, pyjamas, a change of clothes, medications, chargers, and basic cleaning supplies.

  • Do I need to transfer my car registration?

Yes, you’ll need to transfer your car registration to your new address within a certain timeframe (depending on your province).

Contact Future Finance today for a free consultation and see how we can help you achieve your financial goals after your property sale.



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